D3E Zenith is the perfect white suri llama with shimmer and luster above all other llamas in our pastures.Her fiber is lush and soft and does not blemish in the pasture and is always striking white.This fleece was blended with yellow, pink, & light blue bamboo. Dyed Florescent yellow, kelly green, blacklight blue and sapphire blue with fuchsia sprinkles. The pastel colors are beautiful and flow nicely across the skein.
Zenith Yarn
Color: Gree-Blue-Yellow
Zenith: 90% llama~10% Bamboo (Yellow, Pink & Light Blue)
Dyed Florescent Yellow, Kelly Green, Blacklight Blue & Sapphire Blue with fuchsia sprinkles
2 ply Sport Weight
154yds. 50g.
138yds. 39g